Patient Reported Outcomes in Auditing. What can we learn from them_ – Pernilla Lagergren

Registries and audits in esophagogastric cancer surgery play an important role in monitoring the quality of care provided to patients. During this webinar an international panel of speakers discussed the importance of registries and shared updates from around the world including set-up, results and the effect registries have had on national or regional outcomes. Panelists also discussed the way research has been incorporated into registries.

Setup and outcomes were shared from NREV (Sweden); NOGCA (England/Wales); EURECCA (Spain); (Canada/USA); (Japan), DUCA (The Netherlands).

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In this video Professor Pernilla Lagergren, Surgical Care Sciences defines what is meant by Patient Reported Outcomes (PRO) as any reports coming directly from patients about how they function or feel in relation to a health condition and it’s therapy, without interpretation of the patient’s responses by a clinician or anyone else. What we can learn from this and is it the future?

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