Long Term PPI Therapy: Controversies in GERD Part 1 with Kerry Dunbar

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is the most prevalent esophageal disease. It is a condition affecting up to 20% of the western world and has a significant negative impact in the patient’s quality of life. The typical symptoms are heartburn and regurgitation, but other clinical presentations can be present. What is GERD, what are the GERD surgery options, and GERD treatment? These are some of the questions covered during this presentation.

This recording was part of the Controversies in Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease presentation held on December 16, 2020, moderated by Jan Tack, University of Leuven (The Netherlands) and Kerry Dunbar, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center (USA) (moderator and speaker).

Find out more at isde.net/GERD

Learn more about the International Society for Diseases of the Esophagus at isde.net/


This webinar included short presentations on long term PPI therapy, endoscopic management of GERD and when to consider surgery. Moderators and panellists provided additional commentary throughout and questions were answered from the audience.

ISDE wishes to recognize and thank the following individuals for their contributions to this virtual presentation:
• Jan Tack, University of Leuven (The Netherlands)
• Kerry Dunbar, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center (USA)
• Haruhiro Inoue, Showa University School of Medicine (Japan)
• John Lipham, Keck School of Medicine of USC (USA)

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